What is the CLASS Study investigating? |
The CLASS Study follows teenagers across 5 years, beginning when they are in Year 8 and ending in Year 12.
We are looking at how teenagers’ sleep patterns change as they get older and how exposure to light affects the body clock. We are also investigating how changes in teenagers’ sleep patterns might affect mood, thinking, and academic performance. . |
Why is the CLASS Study important?By learning about teenagers’ sleep and how it affects their daily life, we can find ways to help individuals who might be struggling with their wellbeing or school work.
This is the first study to follow teenagers over time and look at the effect of light exposure on the body clock and how this affects teenagers’ sleep patterns and academic performance. |
Starting from early adolescence the internal body clock begins to shift later. Across adolescence, this natural shift in body clock makes many teenagers prefer going to bed later at night and getting up later in the morning.
Because school starts early, teenagers may not get enough sleep on school nights and feel sleepy during the day. We are interested in exploring whether sleep is associated with how teens feel in daily life, how easy or hard it is to concentrate and overall academic performance |